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Virtual Heroes

On November 14th, the 3rd grade of Sta. Christiana middle school went to the “Vienna English Theatre” to watch a play called “Virtual Heroes”. The musical is about two teenagers called Kevin and Rita who know each other from school but were blood enemies. After school they both escape from their normal lives to the virtual game “Fantasycraft”. We think that the play was quite entertaining and exciting. To put everything in a nutshell, we all really recommend it to you and it was a great experience.

Martin Spendlhofer, BEd

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Einladung zum Tag der offenen Tür - 21.06.2024

Theaterstück "Momo" mit großem Erfolg aufgeführt

Die Schüler des Freifaches "Darstellendes Spiel" führten erfolgreich "Momo" auf. Die Inszenierung beeindruckte mit Talent und Engagement. Das Publikum war von Anfang bis Ende begeistert. Alle Vorstellungen waren restlos ausverkauft!

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