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English Theatre

On Monday, the 28th of February all eighth grades of Sta. Christiana Middle school went to the English theater to watch a play called “The Little Prince“. I was very excited because I really like the story and I also saw the film version when I was younger. It’s about a boy who decides to leave his home planet to go on a journey. His goal is to find a new friend. During his exciting trip he meets a lot of different people and learns about the true meaning of friendship.

The actors were so nice and they even took their time to talk to some people in the audience. I really enjoyed the play because the actors were really talented and they did a great job. All in all, I can only recommend “The Little Prince“ to you because it was a nice experience for us. Amelie Kothbauer, 4C

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Mit großer Freude gratulieren wir sechs Kolleginnen unserer Schule, die kürzlich mit dem Berufstitel "Schulrätin" ausgezeichnet wurden: Dipl.-Päd. Doris Waczek Dipl.-Päd. Catherine Magenschab Dipl.-Päd. Ruth Hintermayr-Mörtl Dipl.-Päd. Gudrun Fraunschiel, MA

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